Monday, August 17, 2015

Why Can't I Lose Weight?

While some people have fast metabolisms that make it easy for them to stay thin no matter what they eat, not everyone is so lucky. Some people have very slow metabolisms that make losing weight a major challenge, even if they eat healthily and exercise. Other people unknowingly eat foods that are laden with fat and sugar, or have a medical condition that makes losing weight difficult.

If you have struggled with weight loss, it is possible you have developed a condition known as leptin resistance, which interferes with your body’s ability to sense when you have had enough to eat. Any of these problems can lead to frustration and obesity. Fortunately, there are natural supplements you can use to overcome these challenges and achieve your weight loss goals.

Hidden Calories

Sometimes, calories lurk where you don’t expect to find them, and these hidden calories may significantly curtail your weight loss efforts. For example, just a simple sugar cube in a cup of black coffee will bump up your calorie count for the day by nine calories – and most people use more than one cube.

Other common offenders include oils or mayonnaise-based products in sandwiches, pasta salads, and other common meal items and snacks. These condiments may have as many as 100 calories per teaspoon.

Ketchup is another food that is commonly considered a calorie-free condiment; however, ketchup actually contains 22 calories per teaspoon. You can avoid hidden calories by preparing your own meals when possible, and paying attention to the nutrition labels on the condiments you use.

Ingredients that add flavor to foods without ruining your diet plan include lemon, garlic, parsley, cilantro, wine vinegar, hot sauce, horseradish, and yellow mustard. These condiments are suited to a variety of recipes, and they make great substitutes for high-calorie condiments.    

When you dine out, ask for your condiments on the side. That will allow you to add only the amount that you want. You can also ask for low-calorie alternatives for sandwich or salad dressings. Many restaurants are happy to accommodate these requests. Additionally, fast-food restaurants usually have the calorie counts of their menu items available for customers.

Slow Metabolism

Your resting metabolic rate is the amount of calories that your body burns when you are not engaged in any activity. Some people have a naturally high resting metabolic rate, and those people tend to be effortlessly thin. If you tend to gain weight easily and lose weight slowly, it may be that you have a slow resting metabolism. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to address a sluggish metabolism.

One popular natural fruit extract that speeds up the metabolism is Raspberry Ketones. This extract has been proven to assist with the secretion of adiponectin. The higher your level of adiponectin rises, the lower your level of body fat will be. Studies have found that increasing the levels of adiponectin in the blood can have a powerful effect on how your body metabolizes sugar.

There are online calculators that will help you to determine your basal, or resting, metabolic rate. If this rate is close to the median average, you may only think you suffer from a slow metabolism. Sometimes, eating hidden calories or choosing the wrong foods (such as sugary treats or complex carbohydrates) may lead to a higher calorie intake than you estimate.

Fortunately, slow metabolism is easy to treat with supplements that boost your body’s metabolic processes. Raspberry Ketones and African Mango are two supplements that do more than just spur weight loss – they also address the underlying issue, slow metabolism, which led to the weight gain in the first place.

Thyroid Problems

Some people suffer from thyroid problems that keep them from losing weight. The most common thyroid disorder that contributes to obesity is hypothyroidism. This health issue makes the metabolism abnormally slow, which makes it hard to lose weight.

People who say that their weight gain is glandular are usually suffering from hypothyroidism. Symptoms of this disease include obesity, dry hair, constipation, fatigue, and depression. If you suspect that you have hypothyroidism, be sure to speak to your doctor.

Some people who suspect that they have hypothyroidism find that their metabolism problems can be addressed by metabolism-boosting supplements. If you regularly feel tired, don’t have enough energy to do the things you want, and crave sugar and unhealthy food, you may find relief by using a natural metabolic-stimulating supplement.

African Mango for Leptin Resistance

African Mango for leptin resistance is a natural, organic, and safe weight loss solution. This powerful extract significantly reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters. It is made from the seed of the African Mango plant, a food that has been used for centuries as a natural soup thickener and staple item. This weight loss supplement is designed to provoke easy, fast weight loss, even in people who have had no success with typical diets. The reason this extract is different is that it contains leptin, an appetite-suppressing hormone, found in every African Mango seed.

Some people have resistance to leptin, meaning that their bodies overproduce leptin due to excess fat cells. Since leptin is responsible for signalling to your body that you have had enough food, leptin resistance is usually found in people who are overweight. When they take a supplement that contains leptin, they are able to break through this leptin resistance and control their appetites. The result is fast, effortless weight loss without the usual hunger pangs and frustration.  

It is frustrating to eat healthy foods and exercise and still find that you can’t lose weight while those around you appear to have no difficulty staying thin. Fortunately, you can find the cause of your struggle with weight loss and address it using natural and healthy supplements. Weight loss pills like Raspberry Ketones and African Mango are made from fruit, so they are good for your body. Since they address deep-seated issues with your metabolism, they bring about weight loss that is easy to achieve and maintain.

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